Flanged-Yoke Style

Osborn Load Runners are robust assemblies of carefully fabricated outer shells/treads and precision bearings fitted to high-tolerance shafts. All Osborn Load Runners match the tread, shaft and bearings into a cohesive, highly engineered unit used in dozens of industries and hundreds of applications.

Metric Sizes

Part.-No.EDP-No.APRadial load*Thrust load*
HPJA-62097 298-9907622048 40017 800
HPJA-76096 209-9907762563 50025 700
HPJA-80096 210-9907802563 50025 700
HPJA-85096 211-9907852563 50025 700
HPJA-90096 212-9907903078 20025 600
HPJA-100096 213-99071003078 20025 600
HPJA-125096 214-990712545148 10058 500
HPJA-150096 215-990715055159 00063 000
HPJA-200096 217-990720070188 60077 400
HPJA-250096 219-990725070188 60077 400

A= Roller diameter
P= Bore
*= Bearing capacity – 500 Std. L10 bei 33 1/3 U/Min.

Inch Sizes

Part.-No.EDP-No.APRadial load*Thrust load*
FLRY-2 1/2096 652-99072,5000,75010 8804010
FLRY-3096 220-99073,0001,00014 3005790
FLRY-3 1/4096 225-99073,2501,00014 3005790
FLRY-3 1/2096 227-99073,5001,12517 6005750
FLRY-4096 229-99074,0001,25017 6005750
FLRY-5096 231-99075,0001,75033 29013 160
FLRY-6096 237-99076,0002,25035 80014 200
FLRY-7096 241-99077,0002,75042 40017 400
FLRY-8096 243-99078,0003,25583 70039 000
FLRY-9096 246-99079,0003,755135 00053 600
FLRY-10096 250-990710,0004,255138 00066 400

A= Roller diameter
P= Bore
*= Bearing capacity – 500 Std. L10 bei 33 1/3 U/Min.

For full specifications please download PDF

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