Rotary Indicators

To set and regulate a wide variety of machine functions

DD51 DD52 GA01 GA11 GA11 GA12 MBT.50 PA01 PA11 MBT

Gravity indicators – Positive drive indicators – handwheels – Direct drive indicators.

Rotary controls are used to set and regulate a wide variety of machine functions.
These devices consist of:
•  A handwheel or hand knob, to manoeuvre the control spindle, thus changing the position of the machine element
•  A position indicator, which provides the position of the machine element.

These position indicators are selected by the type of reading or movement required:

Type of Reading:
•  Analogue
•  Digital-Analogue
•  Digital
•  LCD Digital

Types of Movement:
•  Gavity – where the handwheel spindle is horizontal or max. 60º  inclined.  The rotation of the handwheel with the indicator makes the pointers move while the dial, appropriately counterbalanced, is kept still by gravity.
•  Positive Drive – is used on spindles in any position.  The rotation of the handwheel with the indicator makes the pointers move while the dial is kept still by an anchor pin fitted to the machine.
•  Direct Drive – is used on control spindles in any position.  The indicator is directly mounted on the control spindle and is kept in position by means of a referring back pin.

By far the most popular indicator is our DD52R the direct drive indicator with a wide choice of ratios to show the readout after one revolution, as well as a number of choices of location of the readout position.

Available PDF downloads:
Overview & How to Select
Analogue Gravity & Positive Drive  Indicators
Digital-Analogue Graivty & Positive Drive Indicators
Digital Direct Drive Indicators

For full specifications please download PDF

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